Tabrez Ahmed
3 min readAug 10, 2021


What is Parkinsons Law?

In 1955 C. Northcote Parkinson, a famous British historian and an author claimed that

Work expands so as to fill the time avalible for its completion.”

For example, You have an assignment to submit in 1 week, you will take one week to complete it. If you have 1 day to complete that assignment you will take 1 day to complete it.

Basically more time you have to complete a task, more time you will spend doing it.

Procarstination also builds up when your work expands thereby reducing the quality of work you can produce.

Here are quick easy steps you and myself can take to be more productive in our daily tasks:

  1. Give a strict time frame to be disciplined:

Yes, do not give a strict time frame to complete your work but tell yourself that you will accomplish part of this task as much as you can in this selected time.

I used to have a lot of procrastination just by thinking of completing a huge chapter before even starting! After I started applying this rule i have comfortably completed huge chapters with focus and in less time than it would take me otherwise.

Some questions you can ask before hand:

  • How long has it taken me to complete a task like this in then past?
  • Was there any task taht could be eliminated or streamlined?
  • What is my time constraint?

2. Stop working late

If we want to accomplish more with better results, it doesn’t always mean that we need to sit longer hours doing our work.

Some solutions to our work related problems can come up during our day when we aren’t doing that work.

So give yourself a fixed amount of hours perday for work so you have a clear division for your personal and professional life.

3. Track your time

Usually we do not get stressed over the work we are doing, we get stressed when other work comes in between and the main task at hand gets delayed to be completed.

There are many unnecessary tasks we do like scrolling through your phone, checking social media in odd times, reading emails in odd times(in between your work unless your work requires reading emails), talking to friends(in between your work) etc.

Easy way to identify and eliminate these tasks is to ask your self “What is the return of investment (ROI) of everything on my to-do-list?”

You have to make sure that most of your tasks are bringing value to your personal and professional life only way to do this is to Track Your Time.

For small tasks that take more time give yourself 30 minutes to finish them of quickly and efficiently before your productive work starts.

Hopefully these tips have helped you be a little more productive and has given you some value and always remember “Work expands so as to fill the time avalible for its completion.”



Tabrez Ahmed

Final-year Electronics & Communication Engineering student at RV College of Engineering.